The Temporary, the Calamity & Eternity

The Temporary, the Calamity & Eternity by Guy Cohen June 2, 2019

The things of this world are temporary, and yet we take the temporary and try to make it eternal. “He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him” (John 3:36). Everlasting life covers this world into eternity.

Yes, we will face troubles and danger, but the question is how does the believer deal with fear? (The answer to this lies partially in Psalm 91:1-16.) If the fear in the world enters our hearts, it distances us from God. No matter where we live, we see a world system in which fear, manipulation, money and selfishness rule.

However, let us not forget Elijah the prophet who complained that he was alone until God replied that there were 7,000 more that worshiped Him. Why is this important? No matter what we see in this world, we are not alone. Although the enemy is trying to cut us down; greater is He who is in us than He who is in the world.

When this is our point of reference, that bitter root of fear trying to enter our heart, is removed. It is fear which keeps us from moving forward especially in our walk with God. We are so grateful for examples in history and even today, of people so immersed in the Spirit of God that even though they may have suffered and died; they saw light through darkness.

Are we capable of seeing light when terrorist missiles are flying above our heads and war is all around us? History names many martyred in Yeshua’s name. Is our faith strong enough not to deny Yeshua when we are persecuted? Is our faith based on living a comfortable life, or on His death and resurrection? Is He living in us? What is the believer’s reward in time of trouble? The trust and hope that accompany a life lived in Yeshua.

When everything around us fails; we can be secure in Him and pray not out of fear but out of trusting in Him. This must be our lifestyle now before calamity strikes – living, walking and being in relationship with Yeshua. Knowing how to listen to the Spirit of God even when bomb sirens are sounding. Now is our time to enter in, walking in love which knows no fear.

2 Tim 1:7 - 7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear , but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
