Shabbat Supper - Friday 24th February 2023

Shabbat Supper - Friday 24th February 2023

This coming erev Shabbat, our service will be followed by our monthly bring 'n share oneg supper.

This meal is "milchik" i.e. no meat products, please. Bring ready made sandwiches with cheeses, tuna, egg etc. Bring fried fish and fish cakes, Bring Salad sticks with various dips. Anything that does not include meat! Bring vegetable quiches and something for dessert and some juice. It is a finger supper and so, plates and serviettes will be provided.

Please be generous. Bring sufficient for yourself and a little extra for our guests. Invite a guest to join you.

We anticpate a sweet service followed by fellowship.

You are most welcome to join with us as we worship Yeshua!
