Shavuot – שבועות – Pentecost

Shavuot – שבועות – Pentecost

We will celebrate Shavuot at Beit Ariel on

THURSDAY 25th MAY 2023 at 18h00.

Guest speaker: Edie Sher

Venue: Kingdom Hub, 3 Roodehek Street, Gardens

The service will be followed by our usual ‘bring ‘n share’ meal. The meal is ‘milchik’ i.e no meat products please. Please bring vegetable quiches, salad sticks with dips, assorted cheeses with crackers, ready-made sandwiches with tune, egg, cottage cheese etc. Bring fried fish and fish cakes. Please note that it is a finger supper. Also, please bring some juice and cheesecake for desert.

We look forward to celebrating this festival with you.
