The Elijah Prayer Alert

“But you have increased the nation, O Lord, you have increased the nation; you are glorified; you have enlarged all the borders of the land.” (Isa 26:15) Israel finally has a new government. It is a coalition government where Benjamin Netanyahu will be the prime minister for the first 18 months and then his former opponent Benny Gantz will take his place. The right wing Yemina party has chosen to stay outside of the government. One of the agreements made in the new government is that the Knesset will vote on declaring sovereignty over parts of Judea and Samaria, the very heartland of biblical Israel. This is something we need to follow closely in prayer because the Bible declares that this is connected to the revelation of God’s glory in the earth. “But you have increased the nation, O Lord, you have increased the nation; you are glorified; you have enlarged all the borders of the land.” (Isa 26:15) There are two things that the Scripture says bring glory to God: the increase of Jews in the Land of Israel and the extension of Israel’s borders. We should pray fervently for both of these things! It is also written in Joel, “Then the Lord became jealous for his land and had pity on his people… Be glad, O children of Zion, and rejoice in the Lord your God, for he has given the early rain for your vindication; he has poured down for you abundant rain, the early and the latter rain, as before.” (Joel 2:18, 23) There has been an abundance of rain this winter in Israel. For the first time in almost 30 years, the Sea of Galilee is full! It has never been this full since the Oslo Accords were signed. It is a sign of God’s blessing on the Land. There is, however, a danger in the midst of this that we must be aware of. Israel is about to declare sovereignty over parts of Judea and Samaria based on President Trump’s peace plan. This plan will divide the Land of Israel, giving Israel the right to the Jordan Valley and 30 percent of Judea and Samaria, while the Palestinian Arabs will get the rest, doubling their present territory. Moreover, Israel must agree to a building freeze and to negotiate a two-state solution with Mahmoud Abbas, elevating a terrorist regime that pays out money to people who murder Jews into a peace partner with the right to their own state. This truly is alarming and has caused the Sovereignty Movement in Israel to issue a statement saying, “The Trump plan is a disaster for the Zionist vision and the government of Israel must renounce it and promote steps of sovereignty regardless of this plan”.[i] The Palestinian Authority is threating Israel with a wave of violence if they declare sovereignty in parts of Judea and Samaria and the EU has warned that it will “take punitive measures” against Israel. The Kingdom of Jordan has stated that it will even renew the conflict with Israel.
Please continue to earnestly pray specifically for an awakening among the Jewish community in the United States that they make Aliyah! Just like in Germany before WWII, anti-Semitism is rising, but the Jews are failing to take the right action. They are in fact more supportive of anti-Semitic Islamists and even supporting them, rather than defending the Jewish victims from their attacks! The writing is on the wall. The progressive left is growing at an alarming rate and Jews in America are in great danger. Pray for a revival among the Jewish people and for leaders that will bring them back to their Jewish calling and a love for Israel, so that many of them will make Aliyah before it is too late! Once again, this is a matter of the revelation of the glory of God in the earth as it says in Isaiah, “O Lord, you have increased the nation; you are glorified.” (Isa 26:15) Also in Ezekiel it is written, “And the nations will know that I am the LORD, declares the LORD God, when through you I vindicate my holiness before their eyes. I will take you from the nations and gather you from all the countries and bring you into your own land.” (Ez 36:23-24) Our number one prayer topic is to pray for God’s Name to be hallowed. “Pray then like this: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.’” (Mt 6:9)