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EREV HANUKKAH - The Festival of Lights

EREV HANUKKAH - The Festival of Lights

We will celebrate Hanukkah on SATURDAY 27th November 2021

Time: 18h00 – 20h30

Address: Kingdom Hub, 3 Roodehek Street, Gardens

Supper: A ‘picnic’ supper will follow the service. Please bring everything you need for you and your family including cutlery, food, juice etc. Paper plates/serviettes/paper cups will be provided. Tea/coffee will be available.

We have a brief service which will include the lighting of the first candle.

EDIE SHER will share about the significance of this festival.

We will also take up a free will offering for the ministry of Tents of Mercy – Oheil Rachamim in Israel. This Israeli ministry functions on various levels. They are primarily a messianic Synagogue celebrating the Torah roots of our new covenant faith in the Messiah. But they are also a sharing community who strives to follow the apostolic pattern of extending G-d’s Kingdom through sending out teams to do humanitarian aid, evangelism and congregation planting in unreached areas of Israel. We ask that you come prepared with your offerings in an envelope.

Yeshua (Jesus) observed this festival as recorded in John, chapter 10:

John 10:22-23

“Now it was the Feast of Dedication (hanukkah) in Jerusalem, and it was winter. And Yeshua walked in the temple, in Solomon’s porch.”

Please feel free to invite your family and friends.

We look forward to celebrating this Festival of Dedication with you.

Blessings in Messiah Herschel Raysman



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