The Justice of God
By Valerie Yanay
With the growing threats and demonstrations against Israel taking place worldwide, the desire for justice resonates deeply within us. The more we are exposed to antisemitism and lies, the more our hearts risk being filled with injustice.
As children of God, what is our true mission? Our fight is not against flesh and blood but against the principalities and powers of this world. Our call is to establish the Kingdom of God and His justice on the earth. Let us continue to pray for God’s will to be done.
Our call to justice as children of God is to discern between what belongs to the Kingdom of God, from what belongs to the Kingdom of Satan. As we move towards the End Times, discernment is crucial. The world is not fighting for the justice of God; it is fighting against the return of Yeshua and the establishment of His Kingdom.
Let’s not be conformed to this world. Romans 12:2 encourages us to be transformed by the renewing of our minds, and discern the will of God – that which is good, pleasing, and perfect. We are called to radiate with righteousness, to proclaim the truth of biblical values and divine justice.
If we are not renewing our minds and are not in constant communion with the Father then we are not renewed according to His mind. Our mission is to fulfill the will of God, to bring His Kingdom.
Take the example of a young man in our 40-day discipleship program, who had accepted Yeshua as Savior without having a true encounter with Him. Despite his deep knowledge of the Word, he had conformed to the world. After ten years, in the depths of his soul, he had a genuine encounter with God, sincerely repenting. It is a joy and an honor to have him with us, as he humbles himself before the Lord, surrendering all to his Messiah and giving him his heart.
We are here to embody the wisdom of God, not be conformed to this world, but to be truly renewed in Him. It is remarkable to see that a believer renewed in his mind by God often shares the same revelations with us, even if we have not met before.
God calls us to be His servants, to sit at His feet and seek His will. We must care only about what is in the heart of God. Our mandate is clear: Contributing to the building of the Kingdom of God and His justice, without remaining silent.
Our intimacy with the Father is what allows us to fulfill His will, and we are not alone, we are a united army, all of us the body of Christ. Together, we must defeat evil, establish His Kingdom, and change history by investing in society to promote His justice. We must rise against injustice with the wisdom and guidance of God.
What must you do to show justice as His faithful children according to the heart of God?